Internal Assement


Internal assessment (the individual oral) is an integral part of the course and is compulsory for all students. It enables students to demonstrate the application of their skills and knowledge orally.
In language ab initio students are required to participate in an individual oral. The individual oral is divided into three parts and lasts 10 minutes, plus 15 minutes of preparation. The individual oral carries an overall weighting of 25% and must be recorded.


Part Description Time
Supervised preparation time The student receives two previously unseen stimuli and selects one for the presentation. Working notes can be made at this stage. 15 minutes
Part 1: Presentation Presentation of a visual stimulus by the student (approximately)
1–2 minutes
Part 2: Questions Follow-up questions on the visual stimulus. (approximately)
2–3 minutes
Part 3: Conversation At least two questions on the written assignment followed by a general conversation on a broad range of topics. (approximately)
4–5 minutes


Choose a photo. Prepare an oral presentation on this photo: the oral takes 7 to 10 minutes, but your presentation only 1 to 2 minutes.

Example Photo 1

Example Photo 2


Part 1: Presentation


Sur cette photo , je vois………..Selon moi, ils peuvent avoir/ils ont…………….Ils portent……………..Nous sommes en……..parce qu’il fait…………..C’est sans doute………….Ces personnes sont en train de …………..Elles……………..Elles viennent de …………..Elles vont………..


Pour Les vêtements:


Cette photo appartient au (belong to) thème principal “……………..“ du Baccalauréat International, le sous-thème est “…………...“


La scène se passe (peut-être) en…………...à…………..En effet, j’observe…………….De plus, en cours de français, on a vu…………


A mon avis, le problème soulevé est……………..Il s’agit de……………...

Part 2: Questions


Je voudrais ajouter que  …………. .Il est important de savoir que…………..D’un côté, je suis pour……., mais d’un autre…………….


Selon moi, ……………….Je pense que………….Je trouve que……………..Les avantages de …………...sont…………… les inconvénients (drawbacks) de …………..sont……………...


En cours de français, nous avons écouté une chanson “      “ qui parle du sujet de……. On a lu un texte qui porte sur……...J’ai appris que…….  J’étais surprise(e) de lire que…….J’ ai trouvé intéressant de savoir que…….J’ ai aimé……………


D'après mon expérience, …………….Dans mon pays d’origine il y a plus de……….., mais moins de……………..


Je suis d’accord avec vous, mais………………. (I agree with you  )


Pouvez-vous répéter la question? Excusez-moi, je ne comprends pas. Désolé(e), je n’ai pas bien compris. Pourriez-vous reformuler?


Which questions could I then ask you? Some examples…..



Part 3: Conversation


Which questions could I then ask you?


Final Guidance

Throughout the oral, make sure you articulate and take care of your pronunciation. 

Bear tenses in mind and use the vocabulary you know, try not to make things up. Keep it to your level! 

Respect the timing in the first part: the examination is not only about presenting, but also understanding questions and taking part in a dialogue. If you speak too long, the teacher will need to interrupt, which is not negative but necessary. However, the more you develop your answers, the fewer questions there will be. Remember that lots of questions can be tiring. 

Do not hesitate to ask the teacher for clarification or repetition in French. Keep it to French all the way up to the end. 

The teacher will indicate when going from when the part to the next. Have a glass of water nearby and breath in between questions.

You may want to write your short presentation down, but no need to submit it. Please do not read your notes, have a maximum of 10 bullet points with keywords or phrases to help.




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